Black Women and Alopecia

This post deals with the fact that many black women deal with losing their hair. You may experience loss of hair due to any number of issues such as age, braids that are too tight or tight ponytails. You get the point. Well this is normally what is none as Traction Alopecia.

black woman hair loss


👉🏾Traction alopecia is caused by inflammation of the follicle when the hair is being pulled too tight for too long. ⁠

👉🏾Hair that is naturally curly is also fragile. Because of bends in the hair, sebum from the scalp, a natural protectant, can’t travel down the length of the shaft. The bends themselves also make curly hair prone to breakage.⁠

👉🏾Hair loss happens in phases. Pain and little bumps around the follicle, called traction folliculitis, are the first signs that a style is too tight. ⁠

Subsequent thinning, traction alopecia, can still be reversed.⁠ But you have to act FAST! Basically just stop wearing tight hairstyles and your hair will grow back. If you are too late and notice scaring then or continue to create these tight hairstyles that hair loss will be permanent.

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